Friday, October 30, 2009

Are you trying to develop a sense of humor or am I going deaf?

So October is practically over, which is weird cause it was August, like, yesterday, I kid you not.

This was the pumpkin I carved at FHE this week. Cute, no?

I haven't been very good at updating, and honestly it's because I have nothing new to report in my life. Things are pretty much the same, and then last week dive bombed on me and I felt like I was finally getting my bad luck all out at once. Pretty much I got a really bad cough from my roommate, and while I was expecting to get sick soon anyway (I ALWAYS get sick in the winter), it couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time, cause it was also midterms week. It was also the week I was supposed to start my "part-part time job" where I go visit a handicap girl named Katie 3 times a week. So I'm sick, having to take midterms and not being able to earn money! argh! FRUSTRATION!!!

My first midterm was a complete FAIL - and I'm not even exaggerating. It was curved enough that I don't want to kill myself anymore, but I'm still freaking out about that class. My second midterm went a bit better, but I was even more mad about my grade because I studied SO HARD and got a far lower score than I thought I would. Again, there was a curve in the class that made my grade very decent, but I still am mad that my studying didn't pay off as much as I wanted it to :(

I thought I was finally over the cough this week, but I'm STILL coughing, and today I started to have congestion AGAIN. grrrr........stupid, stupid, stupid....

So anyway, last week was FAIL, but this week went a LOT better, despite the growing cough again. And despite the fact that I still don't have a job and I REALLY don't have any money. Like really, I'm not even exaggerting.

I went and had an interview with the bishop to renew my temple reccommend and walked out of it feeling like the biggest failure in the world cause I'm not dating. How is that right? Bishop kept insisting that dating needed to be a top priority in my life right now, but honestly, finding a job to get money so I can support myself seems like a better priority. And hey! I have been on a date this semester and that's already WAY more than I usually do (haha). Anyway, I went home and moped to my roommate and ate some chocolate and we took a trip to Wal Mart and I felt much better.

Signed up for classes for next semester. My schedule is all over the place again. Ugh.

I know everthing in this post sounds depressing, but really, I'm very happy right now, lol. Last week was bad, so by comparison this week was brilliant :p

Oh and it snowed this week!! LOVE IT! I walked out of Language Structure class and it was coming down all pretty and white and I got to walk home in it :) Of course we'll see if I still love it when it started sticking to the ground and I have to drive through it, but for now it's very fun :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

If it is a blond woman I will *kill* myself!!

Rachel's getting married in November after all!!!
::cries of jubilation::
::confettii:: <---cause I like it

So this means that November 23rd I will be flying back to DC to attend her wedding at the DC temple on the 24th. Then I'll be able to have Thanksgiving with my family, then on the 27th I'll be flying right into Las Vegas for Mariah's wedding on the 28th. ::whew:: Now the only thing I really need to figure out is (a) where I'm going to stay in Vegas (b) how I get from the airport to where I'm going to stay and (c) how I'm getting from Vegas back to SLC. These may sound daunting, but they were already on my list from before and now that I've knocked off a lot of that list, those three things don't even sound like a challenge. Ha!

In other news: I listened to Christmas music again today. Don't tell my dad.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dwarves are very upsetting

Hey look at me! updating so fast...I should totally get a reward...

So it's the day for exploiting cute little kids, so to distract you from the rest of this post where I'll be ranting, here's some cute pictures of my nieces :p

Awwww!! Aren't they adorable?

So okay, what has happened in my life this week? Not much. I got my first phonetics quiz back and got an A, yay! A lot of people got marked off for writing the "ae" symbol wrong, but not me! I pay attention, boo ya! I got to go to Mariah's bridal shower on Saturday, which was way fun, I'm so excited for her :) I'm only slightly worried about Rachel's wedding happening at the same time as hers, but I'm trying not to think about it. There's not much I can do if both of them happen at the same time, which stinks, but that's reality I guess. It was Conference weekend, which is always fabulous and I got to spend time with grandma Erickson *and* grandma and grandpa Kelly! How cool is that? And of course listening to conference is just always awesome and I *really* needed a spiritual boost. I am NOT a fan of college wards and I feel almost inactive when I am in them. But conference was great to remind me of the things I need to keep doing.

I posted 4, (yes F-O-U-R) videos last week, which not only signifies that I have no life, but also means I have too many ideas floating around in my head. I was actually starting to be kinda content with my editing skills, realizing that yeah, I could do some cool stuff and my videos, while not amazing by any means, were quite fun to watch. Of course then I spend a little time cruising YT and of course come across the videos that are AMAZING and it's almost painful to watch them cause I just feel so inadequate after seeing other people's skills. One of the videos that was posted this weekend was an uh-MAZ-ing Robin/Marian vid to "Shattered". Now, I almost didn't watch the video just on principle because that song is SO overused, and I hate it when people use the same song that other people have. It just irks me a lot and frankly I think that it's not very creative. I mean, I know that "Shattered" is an amazing song, and I'd be one of the first wanting to make a vid to it, but it's been beaten to death by every fandom making vids to it.

(begin /SIDENOTE/: *So* often on YT you see videos done to songs by someone who is a good video maker and the vid is so cute and good and as you watch it you think "that's a great song!", and then a few weeks/days later, another video is posted to the same song by someone who is a "better" video maker and they think they can do a better job of the song! It just makes me mad when people do that cause it totally takes away from the originality and creativity of the first video! Sure the second video might be edited better or "look" cooler, but to me it just looks lazy that they couldn't come up with a song on their own! Urgh! It's like, my BIGGEST pet peeve about YT! (of course this statement is footnoted by the fact that if you do the same song but in a different way with different characters or a different idea with the song, then that's cool, kudos to you for thinking outside the box) end /SIDENOTE/)

So I almost didn't watch it. But then I did and it was so beautiful! ::sob:: it actually made me uncomfortable how much I loved that video. I wanted to favorite it, but I just couldn't do it cause of the song! It sounds so stupid, but there you have it. And of course *everyone* is favoriting it, so I see it everywhere, but I have yet to watch it again. the combination of the effects and the editing being so amazing along with the overused song kinda makes me feel sick inside. ugh, I need help.

Basically the point of that paragraph was to segway into my latest thing I'm finding out about myself. So I'm good at a lot of different things. I have talents, I'm acknowledging this. I can play the piano, write, edit videos, play sports, preform well in school, etc. So I have these skills, but I'm not, like *fabulous* at anything. I'm pretty much average, like C or B material. Does that make sense? Like I've never really excelled at any particular field. I got pretty good at writing, but that's gone now (and no one really knows why), I was good at crew but I gave up that one as well, I'm pretty adequate at the piano, but not enough to preform, I can edit videos so they look fun but they're not the jaw-dropping-heart-stopping-amazingness that you can find on YT. And while all this sounds depressing, it's nice to finally acknowledge it, haha.

And now here's a cute picture of my little brother to cheer you up:

This week brings my first midterm for my Language Structure class and hopefully some more headway on the never ending job search. Wish me luck!